New Tax Scams

New Tax Scams

New Tax Scams – Beware of IRS Phishing Text Messages

At one time or another, many of us have received e-mails from the IRS asking to verify our tax information, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Con artists, mostly from foreign countries, have set their sites on the US tax system. We now need to be wary of automated calls and various types of phishing scams. It seems like the IRS is publishing warnings of new tax scams on a weekly basis. The elderly tax scam is one of them.

You should also be aware of fraudulent text messages. These messages, like every scam, is designed to trick you into giving out your personal information. If you receive a text message from the IRS, you must not open it!

There are still many fraudsters using the telephone trying to con some unsuspecting person into giving out personal financial information. The con where they pretend to be an IRS agent saying that this person has an unpaid tax balance due that must be paid immediately, is still being done.


One of the latest types of new tax scams is a phishing email. The criminal poses as an IRS agent, telling the taxpayer that they have been targeted and their identity has been stolen. The criminal then instructs the taxpayer to purchase a gift card and then later asks for the card’s access number. In another type of tax filing scams, the criminal calls the victim, telling them they need to provide personal information to keep their social security number from being suspended.

I know, and I can almost hear you laughing, “how could anyone fall for such a stupid idea?” Well, let me tell you, in 2021, about $45 million was scammed from taxpayers. Many were the elderly, who became frightened, and divulged their personal tax information. Con men have no morals and think nothing of how elderly tax scams hurt so many people.

These emails usually use the IRS logo and the subject line “Tax Refund Payment.” The new tax refund scam involves asking the victim to click on a link to view a phony form and submit personal information. The scammer may use a fake IRS phone number to extort personal information. The recipient may never see the bogus email if they don’t immediately contact the IRS. Phishing emails will often also ask for credit card numbers and other sensitive information, so be wary of these emails.

Tax scams 2022

Tax filing scams are over the internetOften times, it will be a telephone call made by a human impersonating the Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS). The TAS is an organization within the IRS that assists taxpayers with issues with their taxes. However, in these phone scams, criminals pose as representatives from TAS and ask taxpayers for their personal information.

When taxpayers return these calls, they are asked to provide personal information, such as social security numbers, credit card numbers, and other private information.

While many new tax scams appear to be legitimate, they often have several red flags. For example, phishing in the IRS may involve threatening the victim with arrest, deportation, or other harm. This type of scam is incredibly dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. While it may seem simple, it’s important to protect yourself. If you receive a phone call from the IRS, report it immediately.

Automated calls

Consumer protection agencies warn consumers about automated calls from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and other tax authorities. These scammers often claim that you owe the IRS money for unpaid taxes and demand immediate payment. They will often lie about the amount owed and demand that you give them your bank account information.

In addition, they may threaten jail time and deportation if you don’t pay up immediately. Here are some tips to avoid being a victim of IRS tax filing scams.

The scam begins by phoning you, claiming to represent the IRS, CRA, or HMRC. Depending on the scam, they may threaten you with additional fees, deportation, or jail time. Once you agree to pay, you are then asked to send money via wire service, gift card, or bitcoin. The IRS urges you to never give out personal information to avoid being a victim of  tax scams against the elderly.

IRS tax scams are common

These scammers claim to be IRS representatives and tell you that they will suspend or cancel your SSN if you don’t make payments. When you return the calls, the criminal may ask you to provide personal information, such as your Social Security number or bank account details.

The IRS warns taxpayers against answering these calls and tells you to ask for proof of identification before contacting them. But, even that doesn’t work…con artists have a fake ID already created, including an IRS badge number. These fraudulent scams are more common than you might think.

Tax refunds are the most common target for tax scammers. They pretend to be IRS agents, CRA representatives, or taxpayer advocacy groups and lure people into believing that they are receiving their tax refund. Once they get your personal information, they will use this information to fraudulently file your taxes and steal your identity. ID thieves like to file these phony tax returns early in the tax season in hopes that you haven’t already filed.

Fraudulent text messages

Beware of fraudulent tax scam text messages, and do not click on any links you are sent. They usually ask for your banking information or personal information when they are not from a legitimate company. If you receive one of these messages, call the sender immediately to confirm the authenticity.

The government rarely contacts you via phone, so never provide personal information over a text. Rather, always visit legitimate websites that have a secure https:// prefix in the URL, and even then, be careful.

The IRS does not send threatening or pre-recorded texts claiming to be from the IRS. However, some phony messages are disguised as these entities. For instance, a phony IRS e-mail will ask for personal information, and a robo-call will make the caller think they’re from the government. In the case of fraudulent SMS, it is imperative to delete the message and contact the real Revenue office directly.

Beware of fake IRS messages

Another common new tax scams involving the elderly, has to do with  fake stimulus checks and unemployment identity theft. While the IRS does not initiate contact with its citizens through digital communications, they might try to lure you into entering your account information.

However, these messages are more likely to involve fraudulent companies. Moreover, these messages may also contain links to websites that are not affiliated with the IRS, such as fake websites. However, do not click on any links. Moreover, do not open any attachments in any unsolicited text messages. The IRS rarely contacts you over the phone unless you’re confirming the authenticity of the message.

Beware of links in suspicious text messages. They might install malware or take you to malicious websites. You should never reply to suspicious texts, as this can reveal your active phone number, which can be sold to other bad actors.

You should also forward any questionable texts to 7726 (SPAM) and let your wireless carriers block them. Lastly, always remember to read the fine print of your user agreement. You might be surprised to find that spammers use your phone number to send you fraudulent texts!

IRS won’t contact you by email

The IRS won’t initially contact you by email, as they begin with snail mail. But sometimes they will call to demand payment of unpaid taxes if they get no response to their mail requests. During such calls, the IRS agent will always introduce himself, and will never demand immediate payment. The agent will wear a government ID badge known as an HSPD-12.

IRS contacting you through e-mail will be rare. Most IRS communication occurs through regular mail, so an e-mail from them is unlikely to be a scam. Scammers may even set up fake websites and send e-mails to look legitimate, such as requesting personal information.

Whenever you receive an e-mail from an unfamiliar source, you should never respond to it, and never give out personal information over the phone. If you are unsure of the source of an e-mail or phone call, always check with the IRS first.

Some fake IRS e-mails make threats

Another one of the tax filing scams involving elderly taxpayers is the IRS sending e-mails asking you to provide personal and financial information. If the e-mail asks for passwords, PIN numbers, or other similar information, you’ve been targeted. Don’t be misled by this trick. The IRS never contacts its taxpayers by email. Even if you have a valid e-mail address, don’t reply to the email. This is because they’re trying to scam you.

You can get more information about tax filing scams on the IRS’s website. The IRS publishes an updated list of scams every year, known as the Dirty Dozen. Don’t be tricked by phony IRS agents. Some fake IRS agents may threaten you with arrest, jail time, or license confiscation if you don’t pay. Moreover, a real IRS employee will always display two forms of identification if they are seeing you, and give you a number to verify their credentials.

IRS won’t revoke a driver’s license, business licenses, or immigration status

Taxpayers should never pay the IRS with a gift card, an iTunes gift card, or a prepaid debit card. Instead, make your payment to the U.S. Treasury and don’t click any links in unsolicited text messages. Also, the IRS won’t revoke your license, business license, or immigration status. The Taxpayer Bill of Rights allows you to question and appeal a debt owed to the IRS.

The IRS criminal investigation division consists of about 4,500 employees. IRS special agents wear no uniforms, but do carry guns. They are trained by the FBI and IRS and generally travel in pairs. General enforcement focuses on general crime, while special enforcement focuses on organized crime.

IRS has two investigative branches

This type of investigation has two branches: general and special enforcement. The former focuses on organized crime while the latter monitors everything else.

The IRS publishes a list of the top tax filing scams especially against the elderly every year. Common scams include threats that a taxpayer will be jailed or suffer other bad consequences unless they pay a fake tax bill. The Internal Revenue Service doesn’t use texts to discuss personal tax issues. They won’t threaten your license, business license, or immigration status, and they will never threaten you with jail time or other negative consequences.

The IRS doesn’t revoke a driver’s license, business licenses, or immigration status unless it can prove to a high degree of certainty, you’re guilty. This means that you shouldn’t get caught in one of these schemes – they’re common and can hurt you badly. When dealing with the IRS, don’t be intimidated and frightened.

How do I fix identity theft with the IRS

If you discover that you’ve been the victim of a tax filing scam, you need to act quickly. The first thing that you’ll want to do is file a Form 14039, Identity Theft Affidavit, with the local police station. The next thing that you need to do is contact the IRS. The best way to contact the IRS is to use their Taxpayer Assistance Center website.

You can also call the IRS at 1-800-829-1040, but due to staffing problems, seldom answer the phone. If you need to send a letter to the IRS, make sure that you send it to the Ogden, Utah address. Be sure to include copies of your tax return (Form 1040), as well as any supporting documentation that you have, such as copies of e-mails or receipts. 


Tax season is never fun, but it can be a nightmare if you fall for one of these tax filing scams. Be careful and make sure that you’re taking the proper steps to keep your information safe — and that you aren’t falling victim to any of these tax filing scams. And remember, if you believe that you’ve been the victim of an identity theft tax scam, you need to act quickly.

Gust Lenglet
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